Home » Areas of Concern » Aging
About Aging
Aging is a normal part of life, but various factors impact the way we age. Lifestyle, diet, heredity, and personal habits can speed up or slow down the aging process.
Prolonged exposure to sunlight can also advance the aging process. The UV rays in sunlight damage elastin fibers in the skin, causing it to sag and stretch. Signs of aging skin can include:
Increasingly dry, itchy, and rough skin
Loss of elasticity and collagen, causing the skin to become loose
Thinning of the epidermis (or outer layer of skin) and dermis (underlying layer of skin)
Increasingly fragile skin
Bruising easily
Various treatments can help minimize or slow down the aging process. These include facials, laser treatments, and dermal fillers.
LED Light Therapy
Microneedling RF (Pixel8)
Microneedling RF (Sylfirm X)

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