CO2 Laser Before & Afters

Carbon Dioxide Laser Resurfacing

CO2 laser treatment utilizes carbon dioxide lasers to precisely remove thin layers of skin with minimal damage to the surrounding structures. These lasers can be used to effectively treat sun damage, wrinkles, scars, birthmarks, warts, and other skin concerns.
CO2 Laser Treatment Areas
Wrinkles (rhytides)
CO2 Laser Technology
This type of laser has been used for many years to treat non-cancerous (benign) and cancerous (malignant) skin conditions. The latest carbon dioxide lasers deliver very short-pulsed light energy (ultrapulsed) or continuous light beams in a scanning pattern.
Advanced technology utilized by carbon dioxide lasers has given aestheticians the ability to rejuvenate sun-damaged, wrinkled skin. Carbon dioxide laser resurfacing can be used in conjunction with other treatment options, including tretinoin, alpha hydroxy acids, vitamin C lotion, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, collagen or fat augmentation, and botulinum toxin (Botox®) for minimizing the appearance of facial lines and scars.
Once the treated areas have healed, individuals can wear oil-free makeup to camouflage the pink-to-red color that generally occurs after laser resurfacing. Green-based makeup is most effective for addressing redness in the skin. The redness in the treatment sites generally fades within two to three months, but may take as long as six months to completely disappear.